Author: Michael Müller


Our apprentice tool mechanic – mold technology Mr. Yannik Sinner passed the intermediate examination with flying colors!

The evaluated areas:

Work tasks with situational discussion phases, written tasks and the complex work task were each completed with “sehr gut“- outstanding result!

Congratulations from the head of our toolmaking department, Mr. Welder, and the entire team at BILORA Kunststofftechnik.

Welcome Mr. Steffen

We welcome Mr. Torsten Steffen, who will be joining our team as Head of Quality Assurance.

Mr. Steffen is succeeding Mr. Boxberg, who has gone into well-deserved retirement.

At this point, we would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Boxberg for his many years of support for our company and wish him all the best, especially good health, for his retirement.

As a state-certified technician in the field of mechanical engineering and production technology, Mr. Steffen comes to us with more than 25 years of experience in quality assurance.

We look forward to a successful collaboration.

Welcome Mr. Naumann

We welcome Mr. Marcel Naumann, who will support our team in the areas of project management and sales.

Mr. Naumann will be your BILORA contact person for current and new projects. As a tool mechanic and state-certified technician in the field of mechanical engineering, he has extensive experience both in the implementation of customer requirements into a product and in plastic injection moulding and the associated tool and production technology.

All in the spirit of: Molding your standard.

We look forward to a successful collaboration.

Extension of production capacity

In order to be able to meet the increasing demand, we have invested in two new injection molding machines with a clamping force of 2,400kN and 1,800kN.

Both machines work extremely efficiently and use only about 50% of the energy compared to conventional injection molding machines.

BILORA on tour

On May 6th, 2023, the annual BILORA Hiking Day took place. After coffee and cake, we started in Egen. Via a circular route, along the Bevertalsperre, we reached our starting point after 8 km and 130 meters of altitude.

The hikers and none hikers met in the Gasthaus Wigger for dinner.

BILORA on tour

After a three years break due to the Covid pandemic, the BILORA team went on their annually hiking tour again. The get together took place at the manufacturing site 1, where the team was served freshly baked cakes and coffee. The hike through the beautiful region of Oberbergisches Land took the team to the cosy country inn Honsberg. All non-hikers joined the team for dinner, giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy time together.

The BILORA team is looking forward to the next tour.